asana [ uh-suh-nuh] = posture; seat
When we talk about asana, we are talking about the physical practice of yoga - the postures. You may notice the word in most Sanskrit posture names:
tadasana - mountain pose
virabhadrasana - warrior pose
savasana - corpse pose
Asanas are used to keep the body healthy, to keep energy flowing, and to prepare the body and mind for further yogic practices, like meditation and pranayama.
How important is asana?
A lot of people only practice asana, not realising that it is only a small part of the whole practice of yoga.
According to Patanjali, yoga is an eightfold path, and asana is not even number one.
Yamas - moral disciplines
Niyamas - personal observances
Asana - posture
Pranayama - breath control
Pratyahara - sense withdrawal
Dharana - concentration
Dhyana - meditation
Samadhi - enlightenment
"sthira sukham asanam" Posture should be steady and comfortable. Yoga Sutra 2.46
Your asana practice can be unique as you are. Work with a teacher and a practice that feels medicinal and beneficial to you and your body.