Yoga for Desk Workers
Desk and office workers, we've heard you need a good stretch. We hear you, and we're here to help! We've curated a bunch of yoga classes suitable for all levels of yoga experience, even if you've never done yoga before.
Join Julie and Emilie for variety of classes, designed to target the niggly spots where you can hold tension. Think your neck, shoulders, hips and legs. Plus, we've included breathwork and meditation sessions to help you de-stress and get your out of your head, and back into your body.
As long time yoga teachers (Julie, a fellow administrative superstar, and Emilie, a remedial massage therapist), we understand the aches and pains that can come with sitting at your desk all day. We also understand how to counter those aches and pains.
Pick, choose and repeat classes that suit you. There is no specific order to these classes, but a varied selection of active and restorative classes.
What you get:
16 classes in total from yoga instructors with a combined 18 years of experience.
Some classes designed to be done at your desk for a quick stretch.
- 12 x classes under 20 minutes (great for a lunch break, coffee break, before or after work stretch).
- 3 x longer practices (approx. 30 minutes, perfect for an after work stretch)
- 1 x guided savasana, which can easily be added onto the end of any active class to add further calm to your day.
$39 (AUD) for lifetime access.
These classes are not medical treatment, nor are they a substitute for medical treatment. It is advised that any participants are cleared by their primary medical carer before partaking in any online exercise classes, including Yoga for Desk Workers with Always Yoga.
Note: All members of Always Yoga online studio have access to these classes as part of their membership.