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Yoga for Runners

with Julie Beaumont

Runners - do you find yourself feeling stiff, tight, and in need of a good stretch, but unsure where to start?


We're here to help! From a runner and a yoga teacher (albeit a little fresh to the former), Julie has carefully compiled this bundle of classes from personal experience. No need for any yoga experience, as classes are broken down and explained for all levels.


Pick, choose, and repeat classes that suit - there is no specific order to these classes, but a varied selection of active and restorative classes, including some breathwork to held build up your lung capacity.


What you get:

  • 8 classes, ranging in length from 10-45 minutes, compiled specifically to complement your running practice, whether you are a new or seasoned runner.

  • Included classes:
    - Pre-run warm up (8 min)
    - Post-run cool down (12 min)
    - Limber legs (36 min)
    - Upper body relief (30 min)
    - A big stretch (19 min)
    - Yin from head to toe (45 min)
    - 3 part breath pranayama (11 min)
    - Guided savasana (9 min)



$29 (AUD) for lifetime access.



These classes are not medical treatment, nor are they a substitute for medical treatment. It is advised that any participants are cleared by their primary medical carer before partaking in any online exercise classes, including Yoga for Runners with Always Yoga.

Note: All members of Always Yoga online studio have access to these classes as part of their membership.

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